How do I design a project?
When starting a project, I lay out all the rooms on the site. This gives an idea of the overall volume.
I then organize the different spaces according to a clear geometry, like making a puzzle.
I fit the volumes in squares and rectangles to give the composition recognizable shapes.
I use axes (straight corridors that terminate with a window), repeated elements (if you see it once, you do not notice it, if you see it twice, you might), symmetry (our bodies are symmetrical like our bed, our clothes and the chair we sit in).
I use curves to express unique features, like auditorium spaces in theatres.
I play with high ceilings and monumental proportions because it creates an impressive feeling.
I use mostly blacks and whites—I also wear them. I use colours like reds in theatres because they are associated with the function. Concrete, wood and steel can be painted or left in their natural state.
I play with natural and artificial light to create spaces with different moods and changing states according to the time of day. I like creating spaces that offer contrasts with light and shade.